Membership rules
regarding purchase and administration:
1. All types of monthly memberships automatically renew after 30 days. They work in the same way as, for example, a Netflix subscription. If you wish to cancel the automatic renewal for any reason (this will also cancel the membership type at the end of the cycle), please email
2. If you wish to change the type of your monthly membership (e.g. from 9 to 13 lessons per month), you need to write to o request cancellation of your current membership type. In the meantime, you can purchase a new membership type in the StreamFit app.
3. Long-term membership types (3 months, 6 months, 1 year) are not automatically renewed.
4. All types of membership can be suspended due to injury, illness or vacation. The minimum suspension period is 10 days. Please report the suspension no later than the day of the event to Unfortunately the system does not allow us to handle these matters retrospectively. The suspension starts at 0:00 the next day, from the day of reporting.
5. If you fail to use all available entries from your membership in a given time period, those lessons will be forfeited and cannot be carried forward or refunded.
6. All matters related to membership administration and payments can only be resolved via email at This is the only way to ensure that the necessary information is always archived and traceable.
7. Please do not try to deal with administrative requests via private communications such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.
8. Payment for any type of membership is non-refundable. Similarly, no financial compensation or partial refund is possible in the event of unused entries.
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Stream Fitness App
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• Cheer your buddies
Don't have
Stop worrying about how many classes you have left and start enjoying the benefits of unlimited membership, including a personal access card and discounted prices for additional services.
Pod Višňovkou 1663/19
Praha 4, 140 00
Zastávka MHD Nemocnice Krč
Parkování v areálu zdarma
Tel.: +420 724 862 977
Copyright 2025 (C). Všechna práva vyhrazena. CrossFit Committed South s.r.o.